Get Computer Name from Azure Device ID

We have multiple RRAS servers, and occasionally, I need to locate which one a client is connected to for troubleshooting. Now the RRAS console has some inconsistencies, sometimes it displays the computer name, sometime the Azure Device ID (Not the object ID) The Microsoft Docs on the Get-AzureADDevice is woefully incomplete, and it took me … Read more

Tidy up Always on VPN Connections

We recently moved from a test to live implementation of Always on VPN, and moved our servers behind a load balancer, ratifying out profiles down to a single user and device tunnel. We found that deleting the old connections from Settings still left a bunch of stuff in the registry, so I came up with … Read more

Removing Always On VPN Tunnels

Recently, we were in a situation where we needed to remove some left over Always-on VPN user tunnels from a lot of Windows 10 machines. (We had duplicate profiles, and this was a tidy up exercise) The following scripts address this issue, it gets a list of all the VPN connections and then removes all … Read more

Windows Password Roll Script GUI

Back in may 2014, Microsoft released a patch to fix a vulnerability in Group Policy Preferences which left many people without a method for changing local account passwords. Happily, they also provided a powershell script to allow sys admins to do this. Whilst the script works, it isn’t very elegant or user friendly, indeed one of … Read more