Domain Replication Health

I have been doing a fair amount of work upgrading/removing/building domain controllers for a client, and wanted an easy way to check replication health and topology, and came up with this script. It has a GUI and allows for export of results to CSV This requires powershell remoting to be enabled, and a powershell version … Read more

Check language in Media Files

I have a largish media collection (mainly ripped DVDs) but noticed that somehow, I had managed to rip foreign audio instead of English. A little script can help identify these easily with the help of the PowerShell module “Get-MediaInfo” (The script will install this for you providing the first run is from an elevated PowerShell … Read more

PowerShell Script to check if certain Azure AD users are in certain Azure AD groups

A bit of a mouthful that heading! Basically, we use Azure AD groups to manage certain aspects of our MEM deployment. The script requires the AzureAD module (It will check for and prompt you to install it if you run the script as Admin) and a csv file with the users UPNs in a column … Read more