Jimmy WhiteChange your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Jimmy White Geek, DJ and Photographer. Interested in all things tech. This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments Found a logic error and updated, please try it now On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group Just testing now. I suspect the $false on line 66 should be $true On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group That's is supposed to be be blank, it checks to see if the machine is already a member, the next… On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group Ok, I’ll try and look at it today see if I can replicate the issue On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group I’ll be honest, I haven’t had time to dig into yet, it still works for me. Have you checked for… On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group Ok, can you provide any anonymous details and I’ll take a look. Are you running hybrid/azure only etc. any details… On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group Also, take a look at https://gitlab.com/Lieben/assortedFunctions/blob/master/disable-duplicateAzureAdDevices.ps1 If you have many duplicate devices, this could help On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group Have you checked to see if there are multiple objects (stale records) in Azure AD? On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group That is likely a copy-paste formatting issue, WordPress sometimes using funny fonts for quote characters :/ On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group Nice find, thanks for updating me 🙂 On Bulk add devices to Azure AD Group load more comments
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